What is shea butter

Shea butter, or shea butter, is a thick cream made from only shea nuts. Shea nuts naturally contain all the vitamins and fatty acids needed for healthy skin. It is highly moisturizing and heals the skin. Pure shea butter is suitable for everyone, including babies and pregnant women. How do you pronounce it? Shee butter :-)

What can you use it for?

  • day cream
  • night cream
  • foot cream
  • hand cream
  • lip balm
  • body lotion
  • massage oil
  • dry cheeks during winter months
  • psoriasis
  • eczema
  • diaper rash
  • nipple cream
  • sunscreen (up to SPF 6)
  • abrasions (also in animals)
  • cold sore
  • dry hair ends

Just calculate how many jars you can replace with shea butter.

warm sfeerbeeld van een bovenaanzicht van twee handen die met een blik shea boter vast heeft en met houten lepel roert

Why our shea butter?

Because we visited the shea farm in Ghana ourselves, we know for sure that the shea butter is not made in a factory, but by hand. This is important, because every shea butter is of A quality, but decreases in natural effectiveness as humans process it. The less damage we cause to the shea, the better the shea butter is for your skin.

In addition, the project we support in Ghana is a very cool project for the women who work there. Read more about the project.

I receive the shea butter in its pure form and then melt, sieve, can and freeze the shea butter in our production facility.

Shea butter with delicious scents

By adding essential oil to the shea butter, the butter gets a wonderful scent and the shea butter gets an extra effect.

For young children, babies, pregnant or breastfeeding women, please choose only chamomile or shea nut.

  • choose lavender for extra relaxation and a good night's sleep
  • choose geranium for a lovely floral scent and hormones in
  • bring balance
  • choose cedarwood for a woody scent, a favorite with men
  • choose chamomile for a mild, soft scent.