“Pure raw, unrefined organic shea butter and authentic natural African black soap”
That's what I was looking for when I decided to import my own shea butter. During a working visit to Ghana I asked my husband to keep his ears and eyes open for a small-scale farm and he was soon able to visit a few.
I decided to contact Prince, and shortly afterwards I had the first boxes of shea butter in Rijssen.
This is their story:
Rural livelihood
In most rural areas of the world, most of the population is involved in agriculture as a means of earning a livelihood.
Small-scale agriculture, fishing, livestock farming and non-agricultural activities are some of the communal livelihoods on which these populations survive.
Rural livelihoods pose a major challenge as these populations are often in a state of poverty and do not have the necessities to survive.
A rural household with diverse sources of income-earning activities has better chances of financial survival than a household that has only one source.
Providing quality education and training in a variety of skills in rural areas is therefore necessary to achieve sustainable rural living.
We offer production centers located in various rural areas in the Ashanti Region, of Ghana, West Africa.
It offers residents a job opportunity to earn some income to improve their livelihood.
The production activities provide the workforce with a form of apprenticeship skills that will help them open small businesses locally as well as providing a market for the agricultural products grown around the villages.
Economic strength
Economic empowerment enables men and women to participate in, contribute to and benefit from growth processes in ways that recognize the value of their contributions, respect their dignity and enable the negotiation of a fairer distribution of the benefits of growth.
Economic empowerment is thought to enable poor people to think beyond immediate daily survival and exercise greater control over both their resources and their life choices.
Economic empowerment involves giving people, usually disadvantaged women, the education, training and skills they need to find a job, earn an income and become self-sufficient.
We are proud to be an equal opportunities employer who strives to enable staff and other business contact groups, such as farmers, to become self-employed.
This drives them to increase productivity and life satisfaction.
We also provide a working environment where employees feel safe, comfortable and secured for efficient and effective operations.
Involvement of women in the production process
- For example, the women are imbued with talents that can create jobs for them and their family members.
- It helps promote respect for women because it provides women with legitimate employment to earn a living.
- Women in our various production centers use their emotional intelligence, passion and helpful nature to create a healthy working environment.