I only need a small corner in the bathroom for my care products. There are 4 of them and then 3 products for the rest of the family.
It's wonderful to stroll through all the promotions and shelves in a drugstore.
90% of what I find there I simply don't need anymore. No more chemicals on my skin or my family's, no more unnecessary plastic bottles and it saves a lot of money.
The products in our bathroom:
- coconut oil
- konjac sponge
- deodorant balm 100 ml lavender
- shea butter
- black soap
- shampoo bar Calendula
1) coconut oil
I remove make-up by rubbing a little coconut oil over the face. Then it can be cleaned with 2 moist cotton pads.
- Make-up remover
2) konjac sponge
I then remove the rest of the make-up completely with the facial konjac sponge. I use the pure facial sponge for daily use and the walnut variant once a week for a scrub. Then there is a charcoal variant that is very suitable for anyone with an impure skin.
The konjac sponge cleanses the skin intensely and nourishes it immediately. The pure variant is suitable for everyone of all ages. The skin of young babies can be cleaned with this (a little bit of black soap on it if you want to use soap).
But even very sensitive skin or even eczema skin can be safely cleaned and nourished with the pure facial sponge.
- Scrub
- Face wash
- Serum
- Plastic Sponges / Mesh Shower Loofahs
3) deodorant balm
I have been making my own deodorant for years. You take the cream out of the tin with a few fingers and smear it under your armpit with your fingers.
Because there was so much demand from you, I have the deo balm on the webshop. The ingredients in the deo balm are:
- coconut oil
- shea butter
- cornstarch
- baking soda
- essential oil (or without oil)
- Deodorant spray cans or sticks
4) shea butter
The shea butter is our miracle cream for everything!
Not everyone is immediately enthusiastic: it is quite greasy and not always easy to spread. But if you list the advantages, the choice is quickly made.
The use is equally important. First of all, your hands must be dry and not too cold. Take a little shea from the tin and rub it in your palms until it becomes oil. Better too little than too much. Spread it on the skin and continue with what you wanted to do. The shea penetrates deep into the skin, heals all wounds it encounters along the way and spreads many vitamins that your skin simply loves.
Unlike thin cream, you will still feel that you have put shea butter on your face. It is a different experience. But what you feel is healthy, nourished skin and not dry skin.
Because our shea butter is a purely natural product, it is suitable for young and old, pregnant and breastfeeding women, anyone with eczema or during chemotherapy.
The ingredients of the shea butter are: shea from the shea nut and possibly essential oil if you choose a scent other than nut.
(read in my other blog about the women in Ghana who make the shea butter and black soap by hand. The project is extra special, because the women here get the chance to choose which production process they want to work in and because they get paid themselves and not their partner.
Shea butter replaces a lot. I will list them in the order in which you can slowly get used to them. Once you get used to it, you will not want to go back and you can use it for everything:
- lip balm
- foot cream
- hand cream
- wound ointment
- dry spots ointment (ideal during the harsh winter months)
- nipple cream during breastfeeding
- stretch mark cream
- night cream
- day cream
- body lotion
- dry hair ends
- eczema cream
- removal of cradle cap in babies
- baby acne cream
- natural sunscreen factor 6
- heals acne skin
- massage oil
Just calculate how many bottles and jars you can replace with just 1 can of shea butter.
Please note which variant you choose. Not all essential oils are suitable for babies, young children and women who are breastfeeding or pregnant. For this target group, the pure variant is best, or otherwise the variant with chamomile (for a soothing effect)
After 12 years, children may use all variants. The geranium variant brings the hormones back into balance and the lavender oil makes you calmer and can be used if you want to sleep deeper, for example.
4) black soap
Our black soap is also known as African Black soap. This soap, like the shea butter, is handmade in Ghana.
The ingredients are: shea butter, coconut oil, ash from local plants in Ghana that appear to have a medicinal effect there.
The soap is quite soft, so I recommend using the block in our cotton Namashea soap net. After use, hang the bag on the string outside the shower cabin, so that it does not melt further.
The black soap has an earthy scent because no essential oil or perfume has been added.
It replaces:
- soap
- shower gel
- face wash
- it is a good shampoo for curly hair
5) shampoo bar
It was a quest for me to find a shampoo bar that foamed well and didn't stay too hard.
The shampoo bars that I will soon be selling here on the webshop, they do have that! Even better, it is so soft that my daughters with fine long hair can also use the bar. The hair becomes soft and is easy to comb.
I also use the shampoo bar in the soap net from Namashea. This way it can be used until it is completely gone.
It replaces:
- shampoo
- conditioner
6 products quickly replace 18 bottles from the drugstore.
I am still happy with the 6 products every day and do not miss anything. In fact, I am a lot cheaper, but more importantly: I do not plague my skin with chemical junk and I am kind to nature.
"Doing good naturally starts with yourself"